[zeller94csr] | Andreas Zeller, Gregor Snelting, Incremental Configuration Management Based on Feature Unification, TU Braunschweig, Technical Report, 1994.
We apply feature logic to the problem of incremental configuration
management. Feature logic has originally been developed in computer
linguistics as a knowledge representation and inference mechanism.
It offers a uniform formalism for the description of variants and
revisions, where sets of versions rather than single versions are
the basic units of reasoning. Feature logic thus opens a whole algebra
of version sets, which includes specific configurations as special
cases. Our approach allows for interactive configuration management,
where a configuration thread is constructed by adding or modifying
configuration constraints until either a complete configuration or
an inconsistency can be deduced. A set of versions of a software
component can be represented and processed as a single source file
enriched with preprocessor statements. Thus, our tool can be used
as an intelligent front end to more traditional techniques.
Authors at the institute