Conference Papers: Programming Tools for the SUPRENUM Supercomputer

[snelting90seap]Gregor Snelting, C. Thies, Programming Tools for the SUPRENUM Supercomputer, Toulouse '90. Third International Workshop. Software Engineering and its Applications Proceedings, pp. 951--963 (vol. 2), EC2, Nanterre, France, December 1990. 2 vol.


Programming tools for the Suprenum supercomputer have been developed. The programming environment comprises a context-sensitive hybrid editor, an interactive interpreter and a literate programming system. The editor can be used as a text editor as well as a structure editor; both modes may be mixed freely. It guarantees immediate recognition of syntactic and semantic errors, but does not insist on immediate error correction. The interpreter can be used to execute and debug incomplete program fragments. The literate programming system offers documentation support in the style of WEB. The authors describe the main features of the tools and demonstrate how they support the construction and documentation of programs written in extended FORTRAN8x, the programming language for the massively parallel Suprenum machine.



Authors at the institute

Department Head
Prof. Gregor Snelting