[lochbihler07afp] | Andreas Lochbihler, Jinja With Threads, Archive of Formal Proofs, December 2007.
Formal proof development |
We extend the Jinja source code semantics by Klein and Nipkow with
Java-style arrays and threads. Concurrency is captured in a generic
framework semantics for adding concurrency through interleaving to
a sequential semantics, which features dynamic thread creation, inter-thread
communication via shared memory, lock synchronisation and joins.
Also, threads can suspend themselves and be notified by others. We
instantiate the framework with the adapted versions of both Jinja
source and byte code and show type safety for the multithreaded case.
Equally, the compiler from source to byte code is extended, for which
we prove weak bisimilarity between the source code small step semantics
and the defensive Jinja virtual machine. For explanations on the
framework semantics and the source code instantiation, see the FOOL
2008 paper by A. Lochbihler.
Authors at the institute