Conference Papers: Information Flow Control for Java Based on Path Conditions in Dependence Graphs

[hammer06issse]Christian Hammer, Jens Krinke, Gregor Snelting, Information Flow Control for Java Based on Path Conditions in Dependence Graphs, IEEE International Symposium on Secure Software Engineering (ISSSE 2006), pp. 87--96, IEEE, Arlington, VA, March 2006.


Language-based information flow control (IFC) is a powerful tool to discover security leaks in software. Most current IFC approaches are however based on non-standard type systems. Type-based IFC is elegant, but not precise and can lead to false alarms. We present a more precise approach to IFC which exploits active research in static program analysis. Our IFC approach is based on path conditions in program dependence graphs (PDGs). PDGs are a sophisticated and powerful analysis device, and today can handle realistic programs in full C or Java. We first recapitulate a theorem connecting the classical notion of noninterference to PDGs. We then introduce path conditions in Java PDGs. Path conditions are necessary conditions for information flow; today path conditions can be generated and solved for realistic programs. We show how path conditions can produce witnesses for security leaks. The approach has been implemented for full Java and augmented with classical security level lattices. Examples and case studies demonstrate the feasibility and power of the method.




Authors at the institute

Department Head
Prof. Gregor Snelting
Former Staff Member
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hammer
Prof. Dr. Jens Krinke


IFC for Mobile Components