[grosch95csr] | Franz-Josef Grosch, No Type Stamps and No Structure Stamps - A Referentially-Transparent Higher-Order Module Language, Computer Science Report 95-05, Technical Report, July 1995. |
A language for programming-in-the-large should support architectural
descriptions of an entire product line. The evaluation of programs-in-the-large
should generate the architecture of individual products and should
link implementations-in-the-small to form an executable product.
The Standard ML (SML) module language could serve this task, but
it is not referentially transparent. Furthermore, it does not distinguish
between architectural and implementational concerns.
This paper presents a general module language that is based on a typed
lambda calculus extended by systems . Overcoming SML's drawbacks,
the module language permits syntactic control of type and structure
generativity resulting in referential transparency. Furthermore,
splitting up architectural and implementational concerns, the implementation
of elementary modules is not part of the module language. The module
calculus is essentially simply typed, with elementary modules and
types as simple values, and interfaces and kinds as types. Function
and system interfaces are value-dependent types.
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