2 #ifndef FIRM_IR_NODES_H
3 #define FIRM_IR_NODES_H
void set_Shrs_left(ir_node *node, ir_node *left)
Sets left input of a Shrs node.
int is_Offset(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Offset.
control flow if no other case matches
ir_op * op_Shl
Shl opcode.
Input numbers for Confirm node.
ir_node * get_Anchor_end(const ir_node *node)
Returns end input of an Anchor node.
Input numbers for Mod node.
ir_node * get_Free_ptr(const ir_node *node)
Returns ptr input of a Free node.
void set_Div_right(ir_node *node, ir_node *right)
Sets right input of a Div node.
ir_op * op_Unknown
Unknown opcode.
ir_node * new_Sel(ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_node *irn_index, ir_type *type)
Construct a Sel node.
int is_NoMem(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a NoMem.
int is_Div(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Div.
The opcodes of the libFirm predefined operations.
unsigned get_Proj_num(const ir_node *node)
Returns num attribute of a Proj node.
ir_node * new_d_Sync(dbg_info *dbgi, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Sync node.
void set_Cond_selector(ir_node *node, ir_node *selector)
Sets selector input of a Cond node.
ir_node ** get_Return_res_arr(ir_node *node)
Get an array of all Return ress.
ir_op * op_Sync
Sync opcode.
ir_op * op_Sel
Sel opcode.
void set_Div_left(ir_node *node, ir_node *left)
Sets left input of a Div node.
ir_node * get_Proj_pred(const ir_node *node)
Returns pred input of a Proj node.
void set_ASM_output_constraints(ir_node *node, ir_asm_constraint *output_constraints)
Sets output_constraints attribute of an ASM node.
void set_End_keepalive(ir_node *node, int pos, ir_node *keepalive)
Set the End keepalive with index pos.
ir_node * new_Align(ir_mode *mode, ir_type *type)
Construct an Align node.
ir_node * get_Shrs_left(const ir_node *node)
Returns left input of a Shrs node.
void set_Confirm_bound(ir_node *node, ir_node *bound)
Sets bound input of a Confirm node.
ir_op * op_Start
Start opcode.
ir_node * new_rd_Not(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Not node.
ir_node * new_Tuple(int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Tuple node.
int get_Tuple_n_preds(ir_node const *node)
Get the number of Tuple preds.
void set_Div_no_remainder(ir_node *node, int no_remainder)
Sets no_remainder attribute of a Div node.
ir_op * get_op_Return(void)
Returns opcode for Return nodes.
ir_type * get_typeconst_type(const ir_node *node)
Returns type attribute of a typeconst node.
Input numbers for Cond node.
void set_Mod_right(ir_node *node, ir_node *right)
Sets right input of a Mod node.
ir_node * new_d_Cond(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_selector)
Construct a Cond node.
struct ir_type ir_type
ir_node * new_rd_End(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_graph *irg, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct an End node.
struct dbg_info dbg_info
Source Reference.
void set_Sync_pred(ir_node *node, int pos, ir_node *pred)
Set the Sync pred with index pos.
ir_entity * get_Address_entity(const ir_node *node)
Returns entity attribute of an Address node.
ir_node * new_r_Alloc(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_size, unsigned alignment)
Construct an Alloc node.
ir_node * new_rd_Shl(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Shl node.
void set_Const_tarval(ir_node *node, ir_tarval *tarval)
Sets tarval attribute of a Const node.
void set_Store_unaligned(ir_node *node, ir_align unaligned)
Sets unaligned attribute of a Store node.
ir_op * get_op_Member(void)
Returns opcode for Member nodes.
ir_node * new_r_Mul(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Mul node.
ir_node * new_d_Eor(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Eor node.
void set_Load_volatility(ir_node *node, ir_volatility volatility)
Sets volatility attribute of a Load node.
ir_node * get_Block_cfgpred(ir_node const *node, int pos)
Get the Block cfgpred with index pos.
ir_node * new_r_Start(ir_graph *irg)
Construct a Start node.
ir_node * new_r_Const(ir_graph *irg, ir_tarval *tarval)
Construct a Const node.
ir_op * get_op_IJmp(void)
Returns opcode for IJmp nodes.
ir_op * get_op_Mux(void)
Returns opcode for Mux nodes.
ir_op * op_Size
Size opcode.
void set_Pin_op(ir_node *node, ir_node *op)
Sets op input of a Pin node.
ir_node * new_Mod(ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *resmode, int pinned)
Construct a Mod node.
ir_op * op_Tuple
Tuple opcode.
ir_op * op_NoMem
NoMem opcode.
void set_Member_entity(ir_node *node, ir_entity *entity)
Sets entity attribute of a Member node.
ir_node * new_rd_Call(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr, int arity, ir_node *const *in, ir_type *type)
Construct a Call node.
ir_op * get_op_Shl(void)
Returns opcode for Shl nodes.
the only NoMem node of this ir_graph
block the start node belongs to
ir_mode * get_Load_mode(const ir_node *node)
Returns mode attribute of a Load node.
ir_op * op_Proj
Proj opcode.
ir_op * op_Eor
Eor opcode.
ir_op * op_Bitcast
Bitcast opcode.
Input numbers for Add node.
ir_node * new_r_Align(ir_graph *irg, ir_mode *mode, ir_type *type)
Construct an Align node.
Supported libFirm builtins.
ir_op * op_Anchor
Anchor opcode.
ir_node * new_r_Proj(ir_node *irn_pred, ir_mode *mode, unsigned num)
Construct a Proj node.
ir_op * get_op_Alloc(void)
Returns opcode for Alloc nodes.
int is_Start(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Start.
ir_node * new_d_Not(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Not node.
ir_node * get_Return_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns mem input of a Return node.
ir_node * new_Bitcast(ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Bitcast node.
int is_Phi(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Phi.
ir_node * get_ASM_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns mem input of an ASM node.
size of the block in bytes
ir_node * new_End(int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct an End node.
control flow when exception occured
int get_End_n_keepalives(ir_node const *node)
Get the number of End keepalives.
ir_node * new_d_Shr(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Shr node.
ir_node * new_d_Switch(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_selector, unsigned n_outs, ir_switch_table *table)
Construct a Switch node.
void set_CopyB_src(ir_node *node, ir_node *src)
Sets src input of a CopyB node.
ir_node * new_rd_Add(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Add node.
void set_CopyB_volatility(ir_node *node, ir_volatility volatility)
Sets volatility attribute of a CopyB node.
ir_op * op_Sub
Sub opcode.
void set_Div_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *mem)
Sets mem input of a Div node.
ir_node * new_Or(ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Or node.
ir_op * get_op_Tuple(void)
Returns opcode for Tuple nodes.
ir_node * new_d_Div(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *resmode, int pinned)
Construct a Div node.
void set_Block_cfgpred(ir_node *node, int pos, ir_node *cfgpred)
Set the Block cfgpred with index pos.
ir_node * new_d_Sel(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_node *irn_index, ir_type *type)
Construct a Sel node.
ir_node * get_Anchor_no_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns no_mem input of an Anchor node.
ir_node * new_d_Raise(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_exo_ptr)
Construct a Raise node.
void set_ASM_clobbers(ir_node *node, ident **clobbers)
Sets clobbers attribute of an ASM node.
ir_node * new_d_Mul(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Mul node.
ir_node * new_Sub(ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Sub node.
ir_op * op_Phi
Phi opcode.
int get_Call_n_params(ir_node const *node)
Get the number of Call params.
ir_node * get_Tuple_pred(ir_node const *node, int pos)
Get the Tuple pred with index pos.
void set_Store_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *mem)
Sets mem input of a Store node.
control flow when no exception occurs
void set_Eor_right(ir_node *node, ir_node *right)
Sets right input of an Eor node.
ir_op * op_IJmp
IJmp opcode.
void set_Offset_entity(ir_node *node, ir_entity *entity)
Sets entity attribute of an Offset node.
void set_Sel_ptr(ir_node *node, ir_node *ptr)
Sets ptr input of a Sel node.
ir_mode * get_Div_resmode(const ir_node *node)
Returns resmode attribute of a Div node.
Input numbers for Pin node.
ir_node * new_Load(ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_mode *mode, ir_type *type, ir_cons_flags flags)
Construct a Load node.
void set_Add_left(ir_node *node, ir_node *left)
Sets left input of an Add node.
ir_op * get_op_Unknown(void)
Returns opcode for Unknown nodes.
ir_node * new_rd_Shrs(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Shrs node.
ir_op * get_op_Confirm(void)
Returns opcode for Confirm nodes.
int is_Address(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Address.
value to express a constraint for
ir_node * get_Alloc_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns mem input of an Alloc node.
ir_node * new_rd_Sel(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_node *irn_index, ir_type *type)
Construct a Sel node.
int is_binop(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a binop.
int is_Not(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Not.
ir_op * op_Add
Add opcode.
int is_Pin(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Pin.
the tuple value from which a part is extracted
Input numbers for Bitcast node.
ir_node * new_rd_Raise(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_exo_ptr)
Construct a Raise node.
ir_op * get_op_Switch(void)
Returns opcode for Switch nodes.
ir_op * get_op_Start(void)
Returns opcode for Start nodes.
Projection numbers for result of Start node (use for Proj nodes)
ir_op * op_Jmp
Jmp opcode.
ir_node * get_Shl_left(const ir_node *node)
Returns left input of a Shl node.
struct ir_graph ir_graph
Procedure Graph.
start node of this ir_graph
void set_Return_res(ir_node *node, int pos, ir_node *res)
Set the Return res with index pos.
ir_node * new_r_Cond(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_selector)
Construct a Cond node.
cond_jmp_predicate get_Cond_jmp_pred(const ir_node *node)
Returns jmp_pred attribute of a Cond node.
ir_node * get_Mul_left(const ir_node *node)
Returns left input of a Mul node.
ir_node * new_d_Address(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_entity *entity)
Construct an Address node.
void set_Sub_left(ir_node *node, ir_node *left)
Sets left input of a Sub node.
void set_Phi_pred(ir_node *node, int pos, ir_node *pred)
Set the Phi pred with index pos.
ir_node * new_Div(ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *resmode, int pinned)
Construct a Div node.
ir_node * new_rd_Block(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_graph *irg, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Block node.
Input numbers for Store node.
ir_node * get_Bitcast_op(const ir_node *node)
Returns op input of a Bitcast node.
Input numbers for Call node.
Projection numbers for result of Builtin node (use for Proj nodes)
ir_node * new_rd_Tuple(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Tuple node.
ir_node * get_Anchor_start_block(const ir_node *node)
Returns start_block input of an Anchor node.
ir_node * new_r_Unknown(ir_graph *irg, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Unknown node.
ir_node * get_Mux_true(const ir_node *node)
Returns true input of a Mux node.
void set_Address_entity(ir_node *node, ir_entity *entity)
Sets entity attribute of an Address node.
ir_node * new_Add(ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Add node.
control flow when no exception occurs
int is_Id(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Id.
ir_node * new_d_Pin(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_op)
Construct a Pin node.
Input numbers for Shrs node.
ir_op * op_Call
Call opcode.
ir_node * get_Mulh_left(const ir_node *node)
Returns left input of a Mulh node.
void set_Alloc_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *mem)
Sets mem input of an Alloc node.
ir_node * new_Sync(int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Sync node.
ir_node ** get_Block_cfgpred_arr(ir_node *node)
Get an array of all Block cfgpreds.
ir_node * get_Shl_right(const ir_node *node)
Returns right input of a Shl node.
ir_node * new_rd_Start(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_graph *irg)
Construct a Start node.
void set_Raise_exo_ptr(ir_node *node, ir_node *exo_ptr)
Sets exo_ptr input of a Raise node.
ir_node * new_rd_Return(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Return node.
ir_op * op_Shrs
Shrs opcode.
void set_Load_mode(ir_node *node, ir_mode *mode)
Sets mode attribute of a Load node.
void set_Load_type(ir_node *node, ir_type *type)
Sets type attribute of a Load node.
ir_op * get_op_Store(void)
Returns opcode for Store nodes.
Input numbers for Minus node.
ir_node * new_rd_Jmp(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block)
Construct a Jmp node.
ir_node * get_End_keepalive(ir_node const *node, int pos)
Get the End keepalive with index pos.
ir_node * get_Switch_selector(const ir_node *node)
Returns selector input of a Switch node.
ir_node * new_rd_Or(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Or node.
ir_builtin_kind get_Builtin_kind(const ir_node *node)
Returns kind attribute of a Builtin node.
Input numbers for Alloc node.
ir_node * get_Minus_op(const ir_node *node)
Returns op input of a Minus node.
int is_Free(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Free.
ir_node * new_r_Mux(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_sel, ir_node *irn_false, ir_node *irn_true, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Mux node.
ir_node * new_d_Call(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr, int arity, ir_node *const *in, ir_type *type)
Construct a Call node.
Input numbers for Or node.
ir_op * get_op_Sync(void)
Returns opcode for Sync nodes.
ir_node ** get_Phi_pred_arr(ir_node *node)
Get an array of all Phi preds.
ir_node * new_r_Bad(ir_graph *irg, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Bad node.
void set_Sel_type(ir_node *node, ir_type *type)
Sets type attribute of a Sel node.
ir_op * get_op_Not(void)
Returns opcode for Not nodes.
ir_node * new_d_Alloc(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_size, unsigned alignment)
Construct an Alloc node.
ir_tarval * get_Const_tarval(const ir_node *node)
Returns tarval attribute of a Const node.
ir_node * get_Div_left(const ir_node *node)
Returns left input of a Div node.
ir_node * get_Sel_index(const ir_node *node)
Returns index input of a Sel node.
int is_Dummy(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Dummy.
ir_node * new_rd_Confirm(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_value, ir_node *irn_bound, ir_relation relation)
Construct a Confirm node.
ir_node * new_d_Member(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_entity *entity)
Construct a Member node.
ir_node * new_Alloc(ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_size, unsigned alignment)
Construct an Alloc node.
int is_typeconst(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a typeconst.
ir_node * new_Mul(ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Mul node.
ir_node * new_r_Free(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr)
Construct a Free node.
void set_Builtin_type(ir_node *node, ir_type *type)
Sets type attribute of a Builtin node.
ir_volatility get_CopyB_volatility(const ir_node *node)
Returns volatility attribute of a CopyB node.
ir_op * op_Return
Return opcode.
ir_node * new_rd_Proj(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_pred, ir_mode *mode, unsigned num)
Construct a Proj node.
ir_node ** get_Sync_pred_arr(ir_node *node)
Get an array of all Sync preds.
ir_node * new_Pin(ir_node *irn_op)
Construct a Pin node.
int is_Builtin(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Builtin.
ir_op * get_op_Div(void)
Returns opcode for Div nodes.
ir_node * new_Start(void)
Construct a Start node.
void set_Shrs_right(ir_node *node, ir_node *right)
Sets right input of a Shrs node.
ir_asm_constraint * get_ASM_output_constraints(const ir_node *node)
Returns output_constraints attribute of an ASM node.
int is_Add(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Add.
ir_op * op_Switch
Switch opcode.
ir_node ** get_End_keepalive_arr(ir_node *node)
Get an array of all End keepalives.
ir_op * get_op_Load(void)
Returns opcode for Load nodes.
ir_op * op_Free
Free opcode.
int is_Store(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Store.
Input numbers for Sub node.
void set_ASM_input_constraints(ir_node *node, ir_asm_constraint *input_constraints)
Sets input_constraints attribute of an ASM node.
ir_type * get_Size_type(const ir_node *node)
Returns type attribute of a Size node.
ir_node * new_rd_Mul(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Mul node.
ir_node ** get_ASM_input_arr(ir_node *node)
Get an array of all ASM inputs.
ir_op * get_op_Mulh(void)
Returns opcode for Mulh nodes.
ir_node * get_Raise_exo_ptr(const ir_node *node)
Returns exo_ptr input of a Raise node.
int is_Size(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Size.
ir_node * get_Shrs_right(const ir_node *node)
Returns right input of a Shrs node.
ir_op * get_op_Add(void)
Returns opcode for Add nodes.
void set_Phi_loop(ir_node *node, int loop)
Sets loop attribute of a Phi node.
int get_Return_n_ress(ir_node const *node)
Get the number of Return ress.
ir_node * get_Or_right(const ir_node *node)
Returns right input of an Or node.
ir_node * new_NoMem(void)
Construct a NoMem node.
ir_op * get_op_CopyB(void)
Returns opcode for CopyB nodes.
ir_node * new_r_Block(ir_graph *irg, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Block node.
void set_Alloc_alignment(ir_node *node, unsigned alignment)
Sets alignment attribute of an Alloc node.
ir_node * new_Shl(ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Shl node.
ir_node * get_Store_ptr(const ir_node *node)
Returns ptr input of a Store node.
ir_op * op_CopyB
CopyB opcode.
ir_node * new_rd_Pin(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_op)
Construct a Pin node.
void set_Switch_table(ir_node *node, ir_switch_table *table)
Sets table attribute of a Switch node.
ir_op * op_Div
Div opcode.
ir_type * get_Builtin_type(const ir_node *node)
Returns type attribute of a Builtin node.
void set_Free_ptr(ir_node *node, ir_node *ptr)
Sets ptr input of a Free node.
ir_node * new_d_Return(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_mem, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Return node.
end node of this ir_graph
Projection numbers for result of Switch node (use for Proj nodes)
int is_Confirm(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Confirm.
void set_Mulh_left(ir_node *node, ir_node *left)
Sets left input of a Mulh node.
Input numbers for Builtin node.
void set_Proj_pred(ir_node *node, ir_node *pred)
Sets pred input of a Proj node.
ir_node * get_Add_left(const ir_node *node)
Returns left input of an Add node.
void set_Conv_op(ir_node *node, ir_node *op)
Sets op input of a Conv node.
void set_Call_ptr(ir_node *node, ir_node *ptr)
Sets ptr input of a Call node.
ir_op * get_op_Dummy(void)
Returns opcode for Dummy nodes.
ir_node * get_Sync_pred(ir_node const *node, int pos)
Get the Sync pred with index pos.
ir_node * new_r_Conv(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Conv node.
void set_Call_param(ir_node *node, int pos, ir_node *param)
Set the Call param with index pos.
int is_Raise(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Raise.
ir_node * get_Anchor_end_block(const ir_node *node)
Returns end_block input of an Anchor node.
Input numbers for Raise node.
Input numbers for Mul node.
ir_node * get_Cmp_right(const ir_node *node)
Returns right input of a Cmp node.
ir_node * new_r_Sync(ir_node *block, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Sync node.
unsigned get_Alloc_alignment(const ir_node *node)
Returns alignment attribute of an Alloc node.
int is_Switch(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Switch.
Input numbers for Eor node.
ir_op * op_Builtin
Builtin opcode.
void set_Cond_jmp_pred(ir_node *node, cond_jmp_predicate jmp_pred)
Sets jmp_pred attribute of a Cond node.
control flow if operand is "true"
int get_Div_no_remainder(const ir_node *node)
Returns no_remainder attribute of a Div node.
ir_node * get_Sel_ptr(const ir_node *node)
Returns ptr input of a Sel node.
void set_Anchor_end(ir_node *node, ir_node *end)
Sets end input of an Anchor node.
void set_Mux_sel(ir_node *node, ir_node *sel)
Sets sel input of a Mux node.
control flow if operand is "false"
Input numbers for Free node.
int is_Sync(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Sync.
void set_Anchor_start_block(ir_node *node, ir_node *start_block)
Sets start_block input of an Anchor node.
ir_op * get_op_Const(void)
Returns opcode for Const nodes.
ir_node * get_Mod_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns mem input of a Mod node.
ir_op * op_Cmp
Cmp opcode.
Projection numbers for result of Call node (use for Proj nodes)
ir_op * get_op_Shr(void)
Returns opcode for Shr nodes.
ir_op * get_op_Or(void)
Returns opcode for Or nodes.
ir_op * get_op_Size(void)
Returns opcode for Size nodes.
ir_op * op_Not
Not opcode.
ir_node * new_Address(ir_entity *entity)
Construct an Address node.
Input numbers for Load node.
void set_Confirm_relation(ir_node *node, ir_relation relation)
Sets relation attribute of a Confirm node.
ir_node * new_Store(ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_node *irn_value, ir_type *type, ir_cons_flags flags)
Construct a Store node.
ir_node * new_Shr(ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Shr node.
ir_node * new_r_IJmp(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_target)
Construct an IJmp node.
ir_node * new_r_Sel(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_node *irn_index, ir_type *type)
Construct a Sel node.
ir_op * op_Load
Load opcode.
A type to express conditional jump predictions.
ir_node ** get_Builtin_param_arr(ir_node *node)
Get an array of all Builtin params.
ir_node * new_d_Bitcast(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Bitcast node.
int is_Shr(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Shr.
ir_node * new_d_CopyB(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_dst, ir_node *irn_src, ir_type *type, ir_cons_flags flags)
Construct a CopyB node.
ir_node * new_And(ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an And node.
control flow when no exception occurs
void set_Mul_left(ir_node *node, ir_node *left)
Sets left input of a Mul node.
ir_op * get_op_Raise(void)
Returns opcode for Raise nodes.
ir_node * new_Member(ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_entity *entity)
Construct a Member node.
ir_op * get_op_Sub(void)
Returns opcode for Sub nodes.
Input numbers for Member node.
ir_node * new_r_Eor(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Eor node.
ir_type * get_CopyB_type(const ir_node *node)
Returns type attribute of a CopyB node.
void set_Size_type(ir_node *node, ir_type *type)
Sets type attribute of a Size node.
ir_op * get_op_Free(void)
Returns opcode for Free nodes.
ir_node * new_Mux(ir_node *irn_sel, ir_node *irn_false, ir_node *irn_true, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Mux node.
void set_CopyB_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *mem)
Sets mem input of a CopyB node.
ir_node * new_rd_Mod(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *resmode, int pinned)
Construct a Mod node.
ir_node * get_Shr_left(const ir_node *node)
Returns left input of a Shr node.
ir_node * get_CopyB_dst(const ir_node *node)
Returns dst input of a CopyB node.
void set_Store_type(ir_node *node, ir_type *type)
Sets type attribute of a Store node.
ir_node * new_Raise(ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_exo_ptr)
Construct a Raise node.
ir_node * new_d_Dummy(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Dummy node.
ir_node * new_r_Load(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_mode *mode, ir_type *type, ir_cons_flags flags)
Construct a Load node.
ir_node * get_Div_right(const ir_node *node)
Returns right input of a Div node.
ir_node * new_Confirm(ir_node *irn_value, ir_node *irn_bound, ir_relation relation)
Construct a Confirm node.
ir_node * new_d_Shl(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Shl node.
ir_op * op_End
End opcode.
ir_op * op_Block
Block opcode.
ir_node * get_Div_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns mem input of a Div node.
int is_Sel(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Sel.
ir_node * new_r_Confirm(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_value, ir_node *irn_bound, ir_relation relation)
Construct a Confirm node.
ident * get_ASM_text(const ir_node *node)
Returns text attribute of an ASM node.
int is_Mulh(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Mulh.
ir_node * new_d_Unknown(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Unknown node.
control flow when exception occured
ir_node * get_CopyB_src(const ir_node *node)
Returns src input of a CopyB node.
ir_node * new_rd_NoMem(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_graph *irg)
Construct a NoMem node.
int is_Mul(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Mul.
ir_node * get_Sub_right(const ir_node *node)
Returns right input of a Sub node.
ir_op * op_Bad
Bad opcode.
ir_op * get_op_Address(void)
Returns opcode for Address nodes.
ir_op * get_op_Phi(void)
Returns opcode for Phi nodes.
Input numbers for Mulh node.
ir_node * new_rd_Bitcast(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Bitcast node.
int is_Bad(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Bad.
Input numbers for Shl node.
ir_node * new_rd_Dummy(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_graph *irg, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Dummy node.
ir_node * new_d_NoMem(dbg_info *dbgi)
Construct a NoMem node.
Input numbers for Anchor node.
ir_node * new_r_Sub(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Sub node.
ir_op * get_op_Pin(void)
Returns opcode for Pin nodes.
control flow when no exception occurs
ir_node * new_d_Jmp(dbg_info *dbgi)
Construct a Jmp node.
int is_Unknown(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Unknown.
ir_node * new_d_Confirm(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_value, ir_node *irn_bound, ir_relation relation)
Construct a Confirm node.
ir_node * new_d_Const(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_tarval *tarval)
Construct a Const node.
ir_node * new_d_Align(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_mode *mode, ir_type *type)
Construct an Align node.
void set_Or_left(ir_node *node, ir_node *left)
Sets left input of an Or node.
ir_node * new_r_Cmp(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_relation relation)
Construct a Cmp node.
ir_op * get_op_Bitcast(void)
Returns opcode for Bitcast nodes.
ir_node * new_d_Free(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr)
Construct a Free node.
ir_op * get_op_ASM(void)
Returns opcode for ASM nodes.
void set_Mod_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *mem)
Sets mem input of a Mod node.
int is_Conv(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Conv.
ir_node * new_d_Proj(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_pred, ir_mode *mode, unsigned num)
Construct a Proj node.
ir_node * new_r_End(ir_graph *irg, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct an End node.
void set_Store_ptr(ir_node *node, ir_node *ptr)
Sets ptr input of a Store node.
ir_op * op_Confirm
Confirm opcode.
ir_node * new_Conv(ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Conv node.
pointer to newly allocated memory
ir_node * new_r_Tuple(ir_node *block, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Tuple node.
Input numbers for And node.
void set_Load_ptr(ir_node *node, ir_node *ptr)
Sets ptr input of a Load node.
argument proj of the start node
int is_Mux(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Mux.
ir_node * get_Store_value(const ir_node *node)
Returns value input of a Store node.
ir_node * new_Offset(ir_mode *mode, ir_entity *entity)
Construct an Offset node.
ir_node * new_rd_IJmp(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_target)
Construct an IJmp node.
void set_Return_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *mem)
Sets mem input of a Return node.
Projection numbers for result of Store node (use for Proj nodes)
void set_Anchor_no_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *no_mem)
Sets no_mem input of an Anchor node.
struct ir_switch_table ir_switch_table
A switch table mapping integer numbers to proj-numbers of a Switch-node.
void set_Block_entity(ir_node *node, ir_entity *entity)
Sets entity attribute of a Block node.
ir_node * new_d_Block(dbg_info *dbgi, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Block node.
A input/output constraint attribute.
Input numbers for Mux node.
ir_op * op_ASM
ASM opcode.
ir_node * new_rd_Eor(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Eor node.
int is_Block(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Block.
ir_node * new_d_Mod(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *resmode, int pinned)
Construct a Mod node.
ir_op * get_op_Anchor(void)
Returns opcode for Anchor nodes.
ir_node * get_Call_param(ir_node const *node, int pos)
Get the Call param with index pos.
ir_type * get_Store_type(const ir_node *node)
Returns type attribute of a Store node.
ir_op * get_op_Block(void)
Returns opcode for Block nodes.
ir_node * new_rd_Phi(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, int arity, ir_node *const *in, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Phi node.
ir_node * new_rd_Address(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_graph *irg, ir_entity *entity)
Construct an Address node.
ir_node * get_Mod_right(const ir_node *node)
Returns right input of a Mod node.
Input numbers for IJmp node.
pointer to object to select from
ir_asm_constraint * get_ASM_input_constraints(const ir_node *node)
Returns input_constraints attribute of an ASM node.
void set_Anchor_end_block(ir_node *node, ir_node *end_block)
Sets end_block input of an Anchor node.
void set_Mux_false(ir_node *node, ir_node *false_)
Sets false input of a Mux node.
int is_Jmp(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Jmp.
int get_Phi_loop(const ir_node *node)
Returns loop attribute of a Phi node.
ir_node * get_Mul_right(const ir_node *node)
Returns right input of a Mul node.
Input numbers for Id node.
void set_Member_ptr(ir_node *node, ir_node *ptr)
Sets ptr input of a Member node.
int is_Call(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Call.
void set_Store_volatility(ir_node *node, ir_volatility volatility)
Sets volatility attribute of a Store node.
ir_op * get_op_Conv(void)
Returns opcode for Conv nodes.
void set_Anchor_start(ir_node *node, ir_node *start)
Sets start input of an Anchor node.
ir_node * new_rd_Sync(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Sync node.
ir_node * new_r_Member(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_entity *entity)
Construct a Member node.
struct ir_op ir_op
Node Opcode.
ir_node * new_r_Call(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr, int arity, ir_node *const *in, ir_type *type)
Construct a Call node.
ir_op * get_op_Call(void)
Returns opcode for Call nodes.
ir_node * new_r_Return(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Return node.
ir_op * op_Pin
Pin opcode.
ir_op * op_Mul
Mul opcode.
int is_CopyB(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a CopyB.
ir_op * get_op_Proj(void)
Returns opcode for Proj nodes.
Projection numbers for result of Raise node (use for Proj nodes)
ir_node * get_Or_left(const ir_node *node)
Returns left input of an Or node.
ir_op * get_op_End(void)
Returns opcode for End nodes.
ir_node * new_rd_Offset(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_graph *irg, ir_mode *mode, ir_entity *entity)
Construct an Offset node.
initial memory of this ir_graph
void set_Mulh_right(ir_node *node, ir_node *right)
Sets right input of a Mulh node.
void set_Shr_left(ir_node *node, ir_node *left)
Sets left input of a Shr node.
ir_node * new_r_Raise(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_exo_ptr)
Construct a Raise node.
void set_Sel_index(ir_node *node, ir_node *index)
Sets index input of a Sel node.
void set_Shr_right(ir_node *node, ir_node *right)
Sets right input of a Shr node.
ir_node * get_Not_op(const ir_node *node)
Returns op input of a Not node.
ir_node * new_d_Phi(dbg_info *dbgi, int arity, ir_node *const *in, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Phi node.
int is_Shrs(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Shrs.
ir_switch_table * get_Switch_table(const ir_node *node)
Returns table attribute of a Switch node.
ir_op * op_Mux
Mux opcode.
ir_node * get_Eor_right(const ir_node *node)
Returns right input of an Eor node.
ir_node * get_Raise_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns mem input of a Raise node.
ir_node * new_r_Shl(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Shl node.
void set_And_right(ir_node *node, ir_node *right)
Sets right input of an And node.
void set_Store_value(ir_node *node, ir_node *value)
Sets value input of a Store node.
block the end node belongs to
int is_IJmp(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a IJmp.
void set_Anchor_frame(ir_node *node, ir_node *frame)
Sets frame input of an Anchor node.
void set_Raise_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *mem)
Sets mem input of a Raise node.
ir_node * new_r_Store(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_node *irn_value, ir_type *type, ir_cons_flags flags)
Construct a Store node.
ir_node * new_Size(ir_mode *mode, ir_type *type)
Construct a Size node.
int is_Deleted(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Deleted.
ir_node * get_Builtin_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns mem input of a Builtin node.
struct ir_entity ir_entity
ir_node * new_Unknown(ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Unknown node.
ir_node * new_d_Load(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_mode *mode, ir_type *type, ir_cons_flags flags)
Construct a Load node.
Input numbers for Shr node.
ir_node * get_Pin_op(const ir_node *node)
Returns op input of a Pin node.
ir_node * get_Conv_op(const ir_node *node)
Returns op input of a Conv node.
ir_relation get_Confirm_relation(const ir_node *node)
Returns relation attribute of a Confirm node.
ir_op * op_Const
Const opcode.
ir_node * get_And_left(const ir_node *node)
Returns left input of an And node.
void set_Load_unaligned(ir_node *node, ir_align unaligned)
Sets unaligned attribute of a Load node.
void set_Eor_left(ir_node *node, ir_node *left)
Sets left input of an Eor node.
ir_node * new_rd_Mux(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_sel, ir_node *irn_false, ir_node *irn_true, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Mux node.
ir_node * new_r_Mulh(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Mulh node.
int get_Phi_n_preds(ir_node const *node)
Get the number of Phi preds.
void set_Mod_left(ir_node *node, ir_node *left)
Sets left input of a Mod node.
ir_node * get_Mod_left(const ir_node *node)
Returns left input of a Mod node.
control flow when no exception occurs
void set_Confirm_value(ir_node *node, ir_node *value)
Sets value input of a Confirm node.
void set_Builtin_param(ir_node *node, int pos, ir_node *param)
Set the Builtin param with index pos.
Projection numbers for result of Cond node (use for Proj nodes)
void set_And_left(ir_node *node, ir_node *left)
Sets left input of an And node.
ir_align get_Store_unaligned(const ir_node *node)
Returns unaligned attribute of a Store node.
ir_node * get_Call_ptr(const ir_node *node)
Returns ptr input of a Call node.
ir_op * get_op_Shrs(void)
Returns opcode for Shrs nodes.
ir_op * op_Cond
Cond opcode.
ir_node * new_r_Shr(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Shr node.
ir_op * get_op_Eor(void)
Returns opcode for Eor nodes.
ir_node * new_rd_Cmp(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_relation relation)
Construct a Cmp node.
ir_node * new_Free(ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr)
Construct a Free node.
void set_Minus_op(ir_node *node, ir_node *op)
Sets op input of a Minus node.
ir_op * op_Deleted
Deleted opcode.
ir_node * new_Cond(ir_node *irn_selector)
Construct a Cond node.
int is_entconst(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a entconst.
unsigned get_Switch_n_outs(const ir_node *node)
Returns n_outs attribute of a Switch node.
ir_node * new_rd_Align(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_graph *irg, ir_mode *mode, ir_type *type)
Construct an Align node.
ir_align get_Load_unaligned(const ir_node *node)
Returns unaligned attribute of a Load node.
Projection numbers for result of Div node (use for Proj nodes)
void set_Free_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *mem)
Sets mem input of a Free node.
ir_node * new_d_Mux(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_sel, ir_node *irn_false, ir_node *irn_true, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Mux node.
void set_ASM_input(ir_node *node, int pos, ir_node *input)
Set the ASM input with index pos.
ir_node * new_d_Shrs(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Shrs node.
ir_node * new_rd_And(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an And node.
ir_op * get_op_Mod(void)
Returns opcode for Mod nodes.
ir_node * new_d_End(dbg_info *dbgi, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct an End node.
ir_node * new_Const(ir_tarval *tarval)
Construct a Const node.
int is_Minus(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Minus.
ir_node * new_d_Store(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_node *irn_value, ir_type *type, ir_cons_flags flags)
Construct a Store node.
int is_Const(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Const.
ir_entity * get_Block_entity(const ir_node *node)
Returns entity attribute of a Block node.
pointer to the object to free
ir_node * new_d_Minus(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Minus node.
void set_Anchor_args(ir_node *node, ir_node *args)
Sets args input of an Anchor node.
ir_node * new_rd_Load(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_mode *mode, ir_type *type, ir_cons_flags flags)
Construct a Load node.
ir_node * new_d_Sub(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Sub node.
struct ir_tarval ir_tarval
Target Machine Value.
ir_node * get_Return_res(ir_node const *node, int pos)
Get the Return res with index pos.
int is_And(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a And.
void set_Anchor_initial_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *initial_mem)
Sets initial_mem input of an Anchor node.
void set_IJmp_target(ir_node *node, ir_node *target)
Sets target input of an IJmp node.
ir_node * get_Alloc_size(const ir_node *node)
Returns size input of an Alloc node.
ir_node * get_Mulh_right(const ir_node *node)
Returns right input of a Mulh node.
void set_Sub_right(ir_node *node, ir_node *right)
Sets right input of a Sub node.
ir_node * new_Minus(ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Minus node.
ir_op * op_Offset
Offset opcode.
ir_node * new_r_Div(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *resmode, int pinned)
Construct a Div node.
ir_node * new_CopyB(ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_dst, ir_node *irn_src, ir_type *type, ir_cons_flags flags)
Construct a CopyB node.
void set_ASM_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *mem)
Sets mem input of an ASM node.
ir_node * new_r_Builtin(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, int arity, ir_node *const *in, ir_builtin_kind kind, ir_type *type)
Construct a Builtin node.
ir_entity * get_entconst_entity(const ir_node *node)
Returns entity attribute of an entconst node.
void set_Cmp_left(ir_node *node, ir_node *left)
Sets left input of a Cmp node.
ir_node * new_Dummy(ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Dummy node.
ir_node * get_Member_ptr(const ir_node *node)
Returns ptr input of a Member node.
ir_node * new_rd_Bad(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_graph *irg, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Bad node.
ident ** get_ASM_clobbers(const ir_node *node)
Returns clobbers attribute of an ASM node.
ir_type * get_Load_type(const ir_node *node)
Returns type attribute of a Load node.
ir_node * new_rd_Minus(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Minus node.
ir_op * op_And
And opcode.
void set_Mul_right(ir_node *node, ir_node *right)
Sets right input of a Mul node.
int is_End(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a End.
ir_node * new_d_Start(dbg_info *dbgi)
Construct a Start node.
Input numbers for Not node.
ir_node * new_Builtin(ir_node *irn_mem, int arity, ir_node *const *in, ir_builtin_kind kind, ir_type *type)
Construct a Builtin node.
ir_node * new_Shrs(ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Shrs node.
ir_type * get_Align_type(const ir_node *node)
Returns type attribute of an Align node.
Projection numbers for result of Load node (use for Proj nodes)
ir_volatility get_Store_volatility(const ir_node *node)
Returns volatility attribute of a Store node.
ir_node * new_rd_Member(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_entity *entity)
Construct a Member node.
ir_node * new_d_Bad(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Bad node.
void set_Tuple_pred(ir_node *node, int pos, ir_node *pred)
Set the Tuple pred with index pos.
ir_volatility get_Load_volatility(const ir_node *node)
Returns volatility attribute of a Load node.
target address of the jump
ir_op * op_Raise
Raise opcode.
Input numbers for Proj node.
Relations for comparing numbers.
void set_Id_pred(ir_node *node, ir_node *pred)
Sets pred input of an Id node.
void set_entconst_entity(ir_node *node, ir_entity *entity)
Sets entity attribute of an entconst node.
ir_node * new_r_Pin(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_op)
Construct a Pin node.
void set_Builtin_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *mem)
Sets mem input of a Builtin node.
ir_node * new_rd_Size(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_graph *irg, ir_mode *mode, ir_type *type)
Construct a Size node.
ir_node * new_r_Not(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Not node.
ir_node * new_rd_Cond(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_selector)
Construct a Cond node.
ir_node ** get_Tuple_pred_arr(ir_node *node)
Get an array of all Tuple preds.
void set_Switch_n_outs(ir_node *node, unsigned n_outs)
Sets n_outs attribute of a Switch node.
void set_Bitcast_op(ir_node *node, ir_node *op)
Sets op input of a Bitcast node.
ir_node * new_r_Size(ir_graph *irg, ir_mode *mode, ir_type *type)
Construct a Size node.
tuple containing all results
ir_node * get_Builtin_param(ir_node const *node, int pos)
Get the Builtin param with index pos.
ir_node * get_Call_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns mem input of a Call node.
ir_node * get_Phi_pred(ir_node const *node, int pos)
Get the Phi pred with index pos.
void set_Call_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *mem)
Sets mem input of a Call node.
void set_ASM_text(ir_node *node, ident *text)
Sets text attribute of an ASM node.
ir_node * get_Anchor_args(const ir_node *node)
Returns args input of an Anchor node.
ir_node * new_rd_Conv(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Conv node.
ir_op * op_Align
Align opcode.
ir_node * get_Anchor_initial_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns initial_mem input of an Anchor node.
ir_node * new_Cmp(ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_relation relation)
Construct a Cmp node.
ir_node * new_rd_Free(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr)
Construct a Free node.
ir_node * new_d_IJmp(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_target)
Construct an IJmp node.
ir_node * get_Load_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns mem input of a Load node.
ir_op * op_Minus
Minus opcode.
void set_Not_op(ir_node *node, ir_node *op)
Sets op input of a Not node.
ir_node * get_Mux_false(const ir_node *node)
Returns false input of a Mux node.
ir_op * get_op_Builtin(void)
Returns opcode for Builtin nodes.
ir_node * new_r_Bitcast(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Bitcast node.
ir_op * get_op_Mul(void)
Returns opcode for Mul nodes.
ir_node * get_And_right(const ir_node *node)
Returns right input of an And node.
ir_node * new_Jmp(void)
Construct a Jmp node.
ir_node * new_rd_Store(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr, ir_node *irn_value, ir_type *type, ir_cons_flags flags)
Construct a Store node.
Input numbers for Div node.
ir_node * new_rd_Unknown(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_graph *irg, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Unknown node.
ir_relation get_Cmp_relation(const ir_node *node)
Returns relation attribute of a Cmp node.
ir_node ** get_Call_param_arr(ir_node *node)
Get an array of all Call params.
ir_op * op_Store
Store opcode.
void set_Align_type(ir_node *node, ir_type *type)
Sets type attribute of an Align node.
ir_node * new_r_Or(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Or node.
void set_Cmp_right(ir_node *node, ir_node *right)
Sets right input of a Cmp node.
int is_ASM(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a ASM.
Projection numbers for result of Alloc node (use for Proj nodes)
ir_mode * get_Mod_resmode(const ir_node *node)
Returns resmode attribute of a Mod node.
int is_Mod(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Mod.
ir_node * new_rd_Switch(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_selector, unsigned n_outs, ir_switch_table *table)
Construct a Switch node.
ir_node * new_r_Offset(ir_graph *irg, ir_mode *mode, ir_entity *entity)
Construct an Offset node.
ir_node * new_Phi(int arity, ir_node *const *in, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Phi node.
constrained flags for memory operations.
ir_node * new_Not(ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Not node.
void set_Mod_resmode(ir_node *node, ir_mode *resmode)
Sets resmode attribute of a Mod node.
ir_node * new_rd_Const(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_graph *irg, ir_tarval *tarval)
Construct a Const node.
ir_op * get_op_Align(void)
Returns opcode for Align nodes.
ir_node * get_Add_right(const ir_node *node)
Returns right input of an Add node.
int is_Shl(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Shl.
ir_op * op_Shr
Shr opcode.
ir_node * get_Id_pred(const ir_node *node)
Returns pred input of an Id node.
int is_Load(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Load.
struct ir_mode ir_mode
SSA Value mode.
void set_Div_resmode(ir_node *node, ir_mode *resmode)
Sets resmode attribute of a Div node.
struct ir_node ir_node
Procedure Graph Node.
ir_node * new_r_NoMem(ir_graph *irg)
Construct a NoMem node.
ir_node * new_IJmp(ir_node *irn_target)
Construct an IJmp node.
ir_node * get_Free_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns mem input of a Free node.
ir_node * new_d_Size(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_mode *mode, ir_type *type)
Construct a Size node.
void set_Mux_true(ir_node *node, ir_node *true_)
Sets true input of a Mux node.
ir_op * op_Member
Member opcode.
ir_node * get_Sub_left(const ir_node *node)
Returns left input of a Sub node.
ir_node * new_rd_Mulh(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Mulh node.
ir_node * get_Shr_right(const ir_node *node)
Returns right input of a Shr node.
ir_node * new_r_Switch(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_selector, unsigned n_outs, ir_switch_table *table)
Construct a Switch node.
ir_node * new_d_Tuple(dbg_info *dbgi, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Tuple node.
int is_Align(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Align.
ir_node * new_r_Shrs(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Shrs node.
ir_op * get_op_Minus(void)
Returns opcode for Minus nodes.
ir_node * new_rd_Sub(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Sub node.
ir_op * op_Conv
Conv opcode.
ir_op * op_Dummy
Dummy opcode.
selected if sel input is false
int get_Builtin_n_params(ir_node const *node)
Get the number of Builtin params.
ir_node * new_Bad(ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Bad node.
ir_op * get_op_Jmp(void)
Returns opcode for Jmp nodes.
void set_Shl_left(ir_node *node, ir_node *left)
Sets left input of a Shl node.
the value which is returned unchanged
ir_node * get_Mux_sel(const ir_node *node)
Returns sel input of a Mux node.
int is_Cond(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Cond.
control flow when exception occured
ir_op * get_op_Sel(void)
Returns opcode for Sel nodes.
Input numbers for Cmp node.
Input numbers for CopyB node.
int is_Return(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Return.
ir_entity * get_Offset_entity(const ir_node *node)
Returns entity attribute of an Offset node.
int is_Eor(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Eor.
Input numbers for ASM node.
int is_Anchor(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Anchor.
ir_op * get_op_Offset(void)
Returns opcode for Offset nodes.
control flow when exception occured
ir_node * get_ASM_input(ir_node const *node, int pos)
Get the ASM input with index pos.
ir_node * new_r_Add(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Add node.
const char ident
ir_node * new_r_And(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an And node.
ir_node * new_Call(ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_ptr, int arity, ir_node *const *in, ir_type *type)
Construct a Call node.
ir_node * new_Eor(ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Eor node.
int is_Tuple(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Tuple.
pointer to array to select from
ir_node * new_r_Mod(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *resmode, int pinned)
Construct a Mod node.
ir_op * op_Alloc
Alloc opcode.
void set_Builtin_kind(ir_node *node, ir_builtin_kind kind)
Sets kind attribute of a Builtin node.
ir_node * new_rd_CopyB(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_dst, ir_node *irn_src, ir_type *type, ir_cons_flags flags)
Construct a CopyB node.
ir_node * get_CopyB_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns mem input of a CopyB node.
ir_node * get_Cond_selector(const ir_node *node)
Returns selector input of a Cond node.
ir_node * new_r_CopyB(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_dst, ir_node *irn_src, ir_type *type, ir_cons_flags flags)
Construct a CopyB node.
int is_Proj(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Proj.
int is_Sub(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Sub.
void set_Cmp_relation(ir_node *node, ir_relation relation)
Sets relation attribute of a Cmp node.
Input numbers for Sel node.
ir_op * get_op_Bad(void)
Returns opcode for Bad nodes.
ir_node * new_r_Phi(ir_node *block, int arity, ir_node *const *in, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Phi node.
void set_Switch_selector(ir_node *node, ir_node *selector)
Sets selector input of a Switch node.
ir_node * get_Confirm_bound(const ir_node *node)
Returns bound input of a Confirm node.
control flow when exception occured
void set_Load_mem(ir_node *node, ir_node *mem)
Sets mem input of a Load node.
ir_node * get_Cmp_left(const ir_node *node)
Returns left input of a Cmp node.
ir_node * new_d_And(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an And node.
ir_node * get_Confirm_value(const ir_node *node)
Returns value input of a Confirm node.
ir_node * new_Mulh(ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Mulh node.
pointer to exception object to be thrown
ir_node * get_Store_mem(const ir_node *node)
Returns mem input of a Store node.
selected if sel input is true
ir_node * get_Load_ptr(const ir_node *node)
Returns ptr input of a Load node.
ir_node * new_r_Address(ir_graph *irg, ir_entity *entity)
Construct an Address node.
ir_node * new_rd_Shr(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Shr node.
ir_node * new_d_Offset(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_mode *mode, ir_entity *entity)
Construct an Offset node.
ir_node * get_IJmp_target(const ir_node *node)
Returns target input of an IJmp node.
ir_node * new_Return(ir_node *irn_mem, int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Return node.
void set_CopyB_dst(ir_node *node, ir_node *dst)
Sets dst input of a CopyB node.
int is_Alloc(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Alloc.
int is_Cmp(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Cmp.
ir_node * new_rd_Div(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *resmode, int pinned)
Construct a Div node.
ir_op * op_Mod
Mod opcode.
value making the output selection
void set_Add_right(ir_node *node, ir_node *right)
Sets right input of an Add node.
ir_node * new_d_Add(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Add node.
ir_node * get_Eor_left(const ir_node *node)
Returns left input of an Eor node.
ir_node * new_d_Or(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct an Or node.
ir_node * new_d_Mulh(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Mulh node.
ir_node * new_rd_Builtin(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, int arity, ir_node *const *in, ir_builtin_kind kind, ir_type *type)
Construct a Builtin node.
ir_node * new_rd_Alloc(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_mem, ir_node *irn_size, unsigned alignment)
Construct an Alloc node.
ir_op * get_op_Cond(void)
Returns opcode for Cond nodes.
ir_node * new_d_Builtin(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_mem, int arity, ir_node *const *in, ir_builtin_kind kind, ir_type *type)
Construct a Builtin node.
void set_Shl_right(ir_node *node, ir_node *right)
Sets right input of a Shl node.
void set_Or_right(ir_node *node, ir_node *right)
Sets right input of an Or node.
ir_op * op_Address
Address opcode.
void set_Call_type(ir_node *node, ir_type *type)
Sets type attribute of a Call node.
Projection numbers for result of Mod node (use for Proj nodes)
ir_node * new_d_Conv(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Conv node.
void set_CopyB_type(ir_node *node, ir_type *type)
Sets type attribute of a CopyB node.
ir_entity * get_Member_entity(const ir_node *node)
Returns entity attribute of a Member node.
ir_node * new_r_Jmp(ir_node *block)
Construct a Jmp node.
ir_node * new_Proj(ir_node *irn_pred, ir_mode *mode, unsigned num)
Construct a Proj node.
ir_node * new_r_Dummy(ir_graph *irg, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Dummy node.
ir_node * get_Anchor_frame(const ir_node *node)
Returns frame input of an Anchor node.
void set_Alloc_size(ir_node *node, ir_node *size)
Sets size input of an Alloc node.
ir_type * get_Call_type(const ir_node *node)
Returns type attribute of a Call node.
ir_op * get_op_And(void)
Returns opcode for And nodes.
ir_node * new_d_Cmp(dbg_info *dbgi, ir_node *irn_left, ir_node *irn_right, ir_relation relation)
Construct a Cmp node.
int is_Member(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Member.
ir_op * get_op_Id(void)
Returns opcode for Id nodes.
void set_Proj_num(ir_node *node, unsigned num)
Sets num attribute of a Proj node.
int is_Or(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Or.
ir_op * get_op_NoMem(void)
Returns opcode for NoMem nodes.
ir_node * get_Anchor_start(const ir_node *node)
Returns start input of an Anchor node.
int get_ASM_n_inputs(ir_node const *node)
Get the number of ASM inputs.
Input numbers for Switch node.
Input numbers for Return node.
ir_op * op_Mulh
Mulh opcode.
int get_Sync_n_preds(ir_node const *node)
Get the number of Sync preds.
void set_typeconst_type(ir_node *node, ir_type *type)
Sets type attribute of a typeconst node.
ir_node * new_Switch(ir_node *irn_selector, unsigned n_outs, ir_switch_table *table)
Construct a Switch node.
Input numbers for Conv node.
ir_type * get_Sel_type(const ir_node *node)
Returns type attribute of a Sel node.
ir_node * new_r_Minus(ir_node *block, ir_node *irn_op, ir_mode *mode)
Construct a Minus node.
int is_Bitcast(const ir_node *node)
Test if node is a Bitcast.
ir_op * get_op_Deleted(void)
Returns opcode for Deleted nodes.
int get_Block_n_cfgpreds(ir_node const *node)
Get the number of Block cfgpreds.
ir_op * get_op_Cmp(void)
Returns opcode for Cmp nodes.
ir_node * new_Block(int arity, ir_node *const *in)
Construct a Block node.
control flow to exception handler